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Privacy policy of the
myexcess.excess-catamarans.com website

Updated on 1 March 2023


1. Purpose and applicable regulations

Any person visiting the Website at https://myexcess.excess-catamarans.com (the “Website”) will be considered to be a “User”. The User is informed and accepts that their personal data will be collected on the Website by the company CONSTRUCTION NAVALE BORDEAUX, whose complete legal notices appear on the Website (the “Company”). The Company acts as data controller, as defined by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “GDPR”).

2. Processing of personal data

Obligatory personal data is the data strictly necessary to process Users’ requests. If this data is not given, the User is informed that certain services offered by the Company cannot be provided to them. The obligatory nature of the requested information is indicated by an asterisk at the time of its collection. The purpose of the optional personal data collected by the Company is to gain a better understanding of the Users and improve their browsing experience on the Website.

The User’s personal data is processed only with their consent.

Manner of collection of personal data:

  • Transmission/hosting of uploaded documents in the User’s personal area;
  • Recording of information about the User’s boat in their personal area;
  • Contact made with the Company by the User via the form provided for this purpose.

Legal basis collecting and processing personal data: specific, free and informed consent of the User; fulfilment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Company; performance of a contract entered into between the Company and the User.

Purposes of the processing of personal data:

  • Creation of the User’s personal area and access to the same;
  • Subscription to the newsletter of the Company and/or of its partners;
  • Contact and assistance by the Company;
  • Management of the commercial relationship and referral to an authorised dealer;
  • Sales prospecting;
  • Organisation and management of competitions.

Users are informed that, subject to their prior, specific and positive consent, the personal data provided may be transferred to service providers and/or business partners of the Company so that they can inform Users about their offers and services.

Access to personal data:

  1. Personnel of the Company: The personal data provided by the User via the Website is intended for persons duly authorised to process that data within the Company, including – depending on the nature of the processing and the type of data – the heads of the Sales Department, the Customer Service Department and the Marketing Department.
  2. Partners of the Company: in the event that the User has agreed to receive the newsletter of the Company’s partners.
  3. Authorised dealer: in the event that the User fills in a contact form and submits it to a selected authorised dealer.

Personal data retention period: the User’s personal data is retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of its communication to the Company by the User.

3. Exercise of the rights attached to personal data

In accordance with the GDPR, the User has the following rights:

  • A right of access, rectification, erasure and portability with regard to data concerning them;
  • A right of restriction and objection on legitimate grounds with regard to the processing of their personal data;
  • The possibility of sending the Company instructions concerning the management of their personal data (storage, erasure, communication to a third party etc.) after their death. (These rights together form the “IT and Freedoms Rights”.)

To exercise one or more IT and Freedoms Rights, the User must send a request by email to contact.rgpd@beneteau-group.com.

Each request to exercise IT and Freedoms Rights must be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the User’s signature and specify the address to which the Company must reply. The response to the request exercised on the basis of one or more IT and Freedoms Rights will be sent within a maximum of two (2) months from receipt of the request by the Company.

The User also has the right of appeal to a national monitoring body such as the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés [French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties] if the applicable personal data protection regulations are violated, notably the GDPR.

In addition, the User may unsubscribe at any time from the newsletters, or any other communication transmitted by the Company by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each newsletter and/or communication campaign conducted by the Company.


While visiting this Website, certain items of information relating to the User’s browsing is likely to be saved in files called “Cookies” installed on their terminal (computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device optimised for using the Internet). These cookies are issued by the Company in order to provide the best response to the User’s expectations and to facilitate their browsing of the Website.

1. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file that, thanks to your browsing software, is placed in a dedicated area on the hard disk of the User’s terminal when they visit a website or consult an advert. It contains several items of data, in particular the name of the server which deposited it (server of the website you are visiting), an identifier as a unique number and potentially an expiry date for the cookie in question.

Cookies enable the party that issues them to recognise the User’s terminal in which it is saved, to collect information relative to their browsing on the websites and to offer them customised services. Cookies do not contain any information that identifies the User personally, and only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information contained in it.

2. Management of cookies by Users

The User may control and manage the installation of these cookies on their terminal by configuring their browser software.

The browser may then be configured to accept or reject all cookies, either systematically or depending on the issuer. The User may also choose to be informed automatically when a cookie is saved on their terminal.

In order to benefit from stricter cookie management control, the User may configure their browser software so that the choice to accept or refuse cookies is offered from time to time before a cookie can be deposited on their hard disk by the server of the website that the User is visiting.

The User acknowledges that any configuration applied to the User’s terminal may modify their browsing on the Website, as well as the conditions of access to certain services that require the use of cookies. If the User is dissatisfied, they may modify their cookie preferences at any time.

3. The cookies issued on the Website

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